Friday, June 12, 2009

angels and demons movie

well... i haven't seen the movie yet so i don't have alot to say, from what i have gathered from the class ot sounds like it wasn't too great and that there were WAY too many plot changes to be called reasonable, and wats with not seeing any leg?!?!?! but iuntil i see the movie, i can't say too much about it

1/2 da vinci code

i read the book and then went to see the movie and wasn't very impressed, it was alright as far as action and excitment goes, but it reaked of cheese. sophies vioce just does my head in. the plot was changed too much for me to like it as a film, and besides the books are always better. and the way that langdon thinks and talks and puts stuff togetheris annoying after the 10th time., it was an alright movie but i have seen far better ones.

movies money and god

hollywood is milking religion for every penny they can get. with religious movies grossing in the hundred millions, they are laughing. i think that the pastor dressing up is a great idea and a great way to get the attention of young people which is something that the church desperately needs to do. it would be a reason for me to attend church more aften because it wouldn't bore me completely to death. i think that the whole "clean filck" programs and dvd players are a bit of overkill. you can't shelter your kids too much or how will they survive in the real world? if there is something going to be shown that is only appropriate for a certain audience, then only show it to that audience, but if there so many things that can offend you in a movie that you need to have a program to blocl them out, WATCH A DIFFERENT MOVIE!!!!

Al Gores update

i think that global warming is the worlds most pressing issue. the update Al gave just shows how rapidly we are increasing our use of energy and how quickly we are degrading the world around us. if anyone believes that climate change if false and it was just made up to scare us, they need a reality check, we need to tell them to pull their heads out of their @$$ and look around. i think that Al updating the info on the subject was a great idea and it wil help alot of people realize wats going on in their world.

Kamran Pasha Article

reading this article makes me monder how people can be so religious to the point where a movie such as angels and demons offends them. io understand that they don't want their relgion bashed, but alot of the things said are false andalot if true, are thought to be myths or something along those lines. i see things differently because i am a very spiritual person rather than religious. i don't understand when people turn to religion for an answer for everything and especially when it is taken to extremes, but that just the way i see things. take the movie, Stephen Kings, "the Mist", the lady who starts preaching to everyone, i don't get why people turn so quickly to that answer and start acting irrationally on one persons word. i was glad when she was killed in the movie cause she made me mad.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Big issues

1. Climate change
2. Hunger
3. Poverty
4. Over Population
5. Economy

I believe that climate change is the biggest issue facing man kind today. it effects everything in our world. we need to change our ways in order to fix what we are doing to our world. with the globe warming up many species will become endangered within their own natural habitats and many others will become extinct. climate change will not be good for crops in hungry nations and that will contribute greatly to poverty. Hunger effects millions of people world wide yet europes ice cream budget would solve world hunger. only a fraction of the US's cosmetic budget would do the same. Poverty effects many people as well. it is sad to hear when a child has to work to support their family instead of go to school. many 1st world countries do something to help
these peoples but they don't do enough mainly because these poeple usually belong to poor nations who don't have alot to offer economically so richer nations th\end not to care for them.
Over population is becoming more and more of an issue every year as our population continues to grow. our large population has a large effect on global warming and why it is a reality.
our economy is in the crapper. this spells bad news for 3rd 4th and 5th world countries who don't have strong ecomonies to begin with. a big thing would be is if poeple would pay for what they buy, they might not lose thier house car or possessions. and don't give billions of dollars to big companies, give it to the people to spend.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

changing the education system

I am pretty happy with the education system as it is. if there was something i was to change, it would be to update the books that we have to read in english... not to say that there is anything wrong with them, but something more modern would be nice. keep studying Shakespeare, but not every year, most of the illusions have been lost to time and half the class doesn't have any idea what is being said. i say do one comedy, one tragedy and move on.