Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Angels and Demons

i liked the book, it was exciting and hard to put down, but incredibly cheesy and a little ridiclulous. Dan Brownwrites a good action book, giving the reader exactly what they want to read and when they want it to happen. just when all seems lost, Robert Langdon pulls a solution out of his behind and saves the day, all while in a daze over Vittoria. he also needs to come up with some more reasonable events to go into his books, like falling out of a helicopter, landing in a river and living because is a yard of fabric? come on, sounds like something Indiana Jones would do, certainly not a symboligist.

pirate shop learning center

i think that this is a brilliant idea, it would be an awesome place to go with friends for a laugh, and to get some extra help with school. to better improve their business, i thknk that they could expand their store to have more than just pirate supplies and have some more practicalthings for sale. A place like this wouldn't survive in Ingersoll simply because we aren't a big enough town, but also, i don't think the public would really know what to think of it, and by the time they get used to it, it may be too late and it will have to close down. though it would be a great asset for Ingersolls tourism industry, of which there isn't much of one. i would visit it if we had one, i know i could use all the help i can get when it comes to essays :S

teens are lazy

I think that iin todayts world, teenagers have become too accustomed to having access to everything they need in the plam of their hands. we no longer appreciate what hard work it was for people who went to school before us to go to a library and search through piles of books for information, or even travelling out of our homes to get it. we also have favourites. Wikipedia has become a beacon of shining light for most teens research as well as adults looking something up. since we have access to all this info 24/7, it causes alot of us to procastinate longer too becasue we know that we can get the info anytime, and dont' have to get it now because it will always be there.

Seeing is believing...or is it

when we see something happen right before our eyes, we usually believe it. seeing something is without a doubt very strong evidence that it is real, but this isn't the case with everything. sometimes we see thiongs not for what they truely are. take magic for example. magicians trick our eyes into thinking that they are actually pulling that dove out of thin air, when they really have it hidden somewhere, like in their sleeve. we know enough not to believe magic shows when we see them, but when it comes to real life, it's hard to tell sometimes. believing in something also has an effect on what we see. say you were looking at something that you have never seen before and you don't know what it is. if someone tells you that there is someting there so see, you will probably believe them and you will then see what they are talking about. suggestion is a very powerful thing.

Earth Hour

Earth hour is a great idea, but i don't know that it is as effective as people like to think it is. sure, we all try to make a conscious effort to participate, but as soon as it is over, we turn all our gadgets back on again an keep on using just as much power. i participated, but only after i remembered, 1/2 hour in to it :S. I think that Earth Hour is a great iea, but we need to do alot more tha turn our lights off for an hour once a year if we are going to pull our environment back around.

TED video, Physics

WOW!!! the stuff that this guy is talking about, in my opinion, is really interesting and incredible. It's astounding that we have been able to find out all this information about our world. I thought that having a young hip looking guy o the talking was a good idea because it helped attract a younger audience and get them more interested in what there was to be said. I think that what they are doing with the LHC is cool, an incredible. I know that there are some areas of science that are better left alone, but i think that this type of research is crucial to unerstaning how we came to be, but i'm not sure if the worl in ready for what they discover.

A+ for everyone!`

I think that this professor has gone off the deep end a little bit. Sure it sounds goo from a students point of vweiw, but it's actually quite a ba thing to do. These students are paying for an education an they expect to get one. by giving A+ to the entire class, this professor is encouraging laziness and bad work ethic. i think that if he is goin to so this, don't give everyone A+, just mark them lighter, which will be a more honest reflection of them, an it will encourage them to work for their marks.

4. Random class related

I think that this class is pretty fun, i like talking about all the things that we talk about. My favourite subject so far woulo have to be the physics. just knowing that they have been able to identify the particles that make up matter like quarks. it's awesome, and that's physics that i find interesting, not that what im learning in it now isn't interesting, but it's not too exciting. i also think that they made a good move by having a young hip looking guy talking on TED because it greatly helps grab younger people attention.

Oak Island

I believe that there is something at the bottom of the pit on Oak Island, but i'm not quite decided on what i think it is yet. With so many possibilities on what it could be, and explanationsof why it could be each different thing, it's hard to pick a side. i can also see how people can bvecome obsessed with it, enough to squander their life's savings trying to solve the mystery, I probably would too. One things is for sure in my opinion, what ever is down there had better be good, and important, especially since so much has been lost in efforts so find out.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hadron Collider

I like science so i have no problem with the hadron collider. creating the conditions of what it was like 1000000000000000th of a second after the big bang is astounding and absolutely mind blowing to me. I wish i could go to see what happens when they finally fire it up. i know that there is alot of controversy over what might actually happen when the create collisions but poeple have to understand, science it trying to benefit us, not undermine the laws of nature and our beliefs.